Our Work


EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVE: Most people are unaware of the potentially life-threatening risks associated with recreational substance use.

We have partnered with Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, Lake Forest College, and New York University Langone Medical Center to develop and deliver peer-led multimedia presentations to universities and other organizations on the risks associated with using ecstasy and other recreational drugs (adulteration, etc.) and treat those having a negative reaction. We are planning to offer this program to high schools as well.

MEDICAL INITIATIVE: Too often, medical personnel may not recognize the signs or best way to treat those presenting with a bad reaction to recreational substances.

The GPF Foundation is partnering with NorthShore University HealthSystem, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science and others to develop, offer and disseminate emergency department/medical and behavioral health professionals continuing education, clinical screening tools, and protocols to appropriately diagnose and treat recreational drug related dangers. We will test this protocol at NorthShore’s emergency department and other local medical settings.


Behavioral & Statistical Research

Consistent with the lack of awareness of the potential harmful effects of recreational substances, there is also very limited research regarding its use and impact.

We are partnering with Cook County Hospital, Rush University Medical Center, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Rosalind Franklin University Medical School, and Toxikon Consortium to conduct original research into the practice of medicine and about the efficacy of educational programs related to recreational drugs.

North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology Abstract





Annual Report, Brochure, Initiatives & Funding Priorities

Saving Lives through Awareness. 
The GPF Foundation is committed to saving lives by supporting education, appropriate treatment and overall awareness of the dangers related to recreational drug use. Learn more about our accomplishments and goals within our Annual Reports, Brochures, Initiatives and Funding Priorities.

Initiatives and Funding Priorities

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2020

Brochure 2020

Research Materials
& Publications

An evidence-based approach to educating people who may encounter recreational drugs, their peers and loved ones, and the medical community who will have them as patients is central to the GPF Foundation’s approach to saving lives through awareness.

ASRC Fellows and Interns Poster

GPF Foundation MDMA Awareness Presentation References

North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology Abstract

Simulation Training

An Overview of Adolescent Psychostimulant Use

Crisis and Intervention

See our local partnerships and treatment resources relevant to our mission.
If you or a loved one are experiencing an emergency call 911.


A Way Out

Press Materials

Below is a list of available press materials. If you have questions or need to get in touch for something specific, please email info@gpffoundation.org

GPF Foundation Newsletters Archive

GPF Foundation YouTube Channel

GPF Foundation Key Takeaways Guide